Progress in Joint OSSE (JOSSE)
July 17, 2009
[Progress in Calibration]
NCEP, GMAO and ESRL had a few meetings on calibration.
GMAO will continue to produce radiance data using random sampling based on cloud cover in the Nature Run. GMAO conducted the calibration using an adjoint technique and the results were presented at the adjoint workshop.
Since GOES and Ozone data are missing from GMAO data set, NESDIS simulated GOES data from DBL91 (explained below) and NCEP simulated SBUV data. ESRL is conducting calibration including GOES and SBUV.
Currently simulated data are available for verification and calibration.
Jack Woollen of NCEP will process a 91 level profile and all the necessary information to simulate radiance data for HIRS, AMSU, GOES, and AIRS and generate the data base (DBL91). DWL91 will be posted on the NASA/NCCS portal.
Many people expressed an interest in DBL91 for comparing various RTMs.
[Recommendation to ECMWF]
OSSE made one of its recommendation items at the Workshop on
Diagnostics of Data Assimilation System Performance at ECMWF. The recommendation from the workshop is:
ECMWF should continue to contribute to the existing
international OSSE so as to maximize its investment in the current “nature
run”. This might include a limited
effort to help assess the calibration results produced elsewhere for currently
used observing systems.
[Joint OSSE Nature Runs]
JOSSE team has investigated the Joint OSSE Nature Run and the results are posted at
[Preparation for ADM-Aeolus and DWL OSSEs ]
David Tan (ECMWF), Gert-Jan Maseille (KNMI), and Ad Stoffelen (KNMI) were invited to the Lidar Working Group (LWG) and visited NCEP for an OSSE meeting and EMC seminar on three different occasions. Presentations and material used for the meetings are posted at:
Seminar abstracts are posted at
●David Tan visited NCEP on July 11, 2008.
His presentation and the 1.33 version of the processor are posted at
● Gert-Jan Maseille visited NCEP on January 30, 2009 and covered the following items:
- Discussion about representativeness error;
- Preparation for ADM;
- Presentation at an EMC Seminar and LWG.
●Ad Stoffelen visited NCEP on June 19, 2009.
The title of his
seminar was "The challenge of exploiting high-resolution winds".
●Simulation of DWL
SWA is working on DWL observing systems planned by NASA and a limited case for ESA.
KNMI is seeking funding to simulate DWL in a plan by ESA.
NCEP will conduct an OSSE using simulated DWL by KNMI and SWA.
[Progress in regional OSSE]
Z. Pu presented her preliminary tryout for a DWL OSSE.
MSU is working on a regional OSSE for a storm over