[Verification Data on
a 250GB disk to be sent to other institutes]
- 1x1 pressure level data and isentropic data sorted to each time period by NCEP
- 1x1 degree data as time series.
Selected time series for surface data: Convective precip, Large scale precip, MSLP,T2m,TD2m, U10,V10, HCC, LCC, MCC, TCC, Sfc Skin Temp
Other time series:
All variables for potential temperature levels
Variables: T,U,V,VO,D,Z, W, Q at
1000,850,700,500,300,250,200,100,50,10 hPa
- Cloud data
ClAVAR data RTNEPF data
- Model level data combined with surface data and saved for each forecast time
August 25, 26 , 2005
Since it takes a long time to copy from the IBM to an USB disk, I hope I can use this disk to distribute 1x1 data.