OSSE related
The list includes selected conference papers.
Andersson, Erik and Michiko Masutani 2010: Collaboration on Observing System Simulation Experiments (Joint OSSE), ECMWF News Letter No. 123, Spring 2010, 14-16. http://www.ecmwf.int/publications/newsletters/pdf/123.pdf
Arnold, C. P., Jr. and C. H. Dey, 1986: Observing-systems simulation experiments: Past, present, and future. Bull. Amer., Meteor. Soc., 67, 687-695.
Atlas, R., E. Kalnay, J. Susskind, D. Reuter, W. E. Baker and M. Halem, (1984) Simulation studies of the impact of advanced observing systems on numerical weather prediction. Preprints, Conf. on Satellite/Remote Sensing and Appl., Clearwater Beach, FL. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Boston, MA, 283-287. [Available online at http://docs.lib.noaa.gov/rescue/TIROS/TL798M4C621984.pdf ]
Atlas, R., E. Kalnay, J. Susskind, W.E. Baker and M. Halem, 1985. Simulation studies of the impact of future observing systems on weather prediction. Proc. Seventh Conf. on NWP, 145-151.
Atlas, R., et
al.,2015: Observing
System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs) to Evaluate the Potential Impact of an
Optical Autocovariance Wind Lidar (OAWL) on Numerical
Weather Prediction, J.
Atmos. Oceanic Technol, DOI:
10.1175/JTECH-D-15-0038.1_ 2015
Atlas, R. 1997:
Atmospheric observations and experiments to assess their usefulness in
data assimilation. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan,
75, 111-130.
Baker, Wayman E. , Robert Atlas, Carla Cardinali, Amy Clement, George D. Emmitt, Bruce M. Gentry, R. Michael Hardesty, Erland Källén, Michael J. Kavaya, Rolf Langland, Zaizhong Ma, Michiko Masutani, Will McCarty, R. Bradley Pierce, Zhaoxia Pu, Lars Peter Riishojgaard, James Ryan, Sara Tucker, Martin Weissmann, and James G. Yoe 2013:Lidar-Measured Wind Profiles – The Missing Link in the Global Observing System. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Vol. 95, 543-564. DOI: 10.1175/BAMS-D-12-00164.1.
Beesley, J., C. Bretherton, C. Jakob,
E. Andreas, J. Intrieri, and T.
Uttal (2000), A comparison of cloud and boundary
layer variables in the
ECMWF forecast model with observations at Surface Heat Budget of the
Arctic Ocean (SHEBA) ice camp, J. Geophys. Res., 105(D10), 12337-12349.
Becker, B. D., H. Roquet, and A. Stoffelen 1996: A simulated future atmospheric observation database including ATOVS, ASCAT, and DWL. BAMS, 77, 2279-2294.
Boukabara, S.-A., I .Moradi, R. Atlas,S. P.
F. Casey, L. Cucurull, R. N. Hoffman, K. Ide, V.
K. Kumar, R. Li, Z. Li,M. Masutani, N. Shahroudi, J. S. Woollen, Y.
Zhou, 2016: Community global observing system simulation experiment (OSSE) package
:: CGOP. description and usage. J. Atmospheric Oceanic Technology, 33(XX):XXXX–XXXX, XXX 2016. Submitted. doi:JTECH-D-16-0012.1.
(Early online Release)
Casey, S.-P., L. P. Riishojgaard, M. Masutani, J. S. Woollen,
T. Zhu, and R. Atlas 2013: Observing System
Simulation Experiments for an Early‐Morning‐Orbit
Meteorological Satellite, JCSDA Quarterly, No 42, March 2013. http://www.jcsda.noaa.gov/documents/newsletters/201303JCSDAQuarterly.pdf
Casey, S.-P., L. P. Riishojgaard,
M. Masutani, J. S. Woollen, T. Zhu, and R. Atlas
2013: Observing System Simulation
Experiments for an Early-Morning-Orbit Meteorological Satellite in the Joint
Center for Satellite Data Assimilation. Joint
EUMETSAT/AMS Meteorological Satellite Conference, Vienna September 2013.
Committee on Earth Science and Applications from Space: 2007: Earth Science and Applications from Space: National Imperatives for the Next Decade and Beyond, The National Academy Press, 456pp.
Cress, A. and W. Wergen, 2001:Impact of profile observations on the German Weather
Service’s NWP system, Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 10, 91-101.
Deshpande, Medha, P. Mukhopadhyay,
Michiko Masutani, Zaizhong
Ma, Lars Peter Riishojgaard, Michael Hardesty, Dave Emmitt, T. N. Krishnamurti, B. N. Goswami,
2016; Analysis and evaluation of
Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs) forecast data for Indian summer
monsoon. Proc. SPIE 9882, Remote Sensing and Modeling of the Atmosphere,
Oceans, and Interactions VI, 98821P (May 3, 2016); doi:10.1117/12.2223656.
Desroziers, G. and S. Ivanov, 2001: Diagnosis and adaptive tuning of information error parameters in a variational assimilation. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 127, 1433-1452.
Emmitt, G. D. and S. A. Wood 1991: Simulating thin cirrus clouds in observing system simulation experiments (OSSE) for LAWS Proc. AMS Seventh Symp. on Meteorol. Observa. and Instru., Special Session on Laser Atmospheric Studies, New Orleans, LA, January 14-18, 460-462.
Errico, Ronald et al 2006: The use of an OSSE to estimate characteristics of analysis error. Presentation at EMC seminar
Errico, R.M., R. Yang, M. Masutani, M., and J. Woollen, 2007: The Estimation of Analysis Error
Characteristics Using an Observation System Simulation Experiment, . Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 16,
695-708. DOI: 10.1127/0941-2948/2007/0242
Errico RM, Yang R, Prive NC, Tai
K-S, Todling R, Sienkiewicz ME, Guo
J. 2012. Development and validation of observing-system simulation experiments at NASA’s Global Modeling and Assimilation Office. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. DOI:10.1002/qj.2027
Errico, R. M. amd N. Prive, 2014: An estimate of some analysis-error statistics
using the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office observing-system simulation
framework, Q. J. R. Meteorol.
Soc. 140: 1005–1012, DOI:10.1002/qj.2180
Fiolino, M 2008: Recent trends in dynamical medium-range tropical cyclone track prediction and the role of resolution versus physics in the ECMWF model. Fiorino_tc.mrt.res.v.physics.ecmwf-1.pdf
Foelsche, U, Kirchengast, G., Steiner, A. K., Kornblueh, L., Manzini, E., and Bengtsson, L 2008: An observing system simulation experiment for climate monitoring with GNSS radio occultation data: Setup and test bed study, J. Geophys. Res. 113(D11108), , doi:10.1029/2007JD009231.
Frehlich, R. G. and M. J. Kavaya, "Coherent laser radar performance for general atmospheric refractive turbulence," Appl. Opt. 30(36), 5325-5352 (1991)
Garand, L., J. Feng, S. Heilliette, Y. Rochon, 2013: Assimilation of Circumpolar
Wind Vectors Derived from Highly Elliptical Orbit Imagery: Impact Assessment
Based on Observing System Simulation Experiments, J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol.,52, 1891-1908. DOI: 10.1175/JAMC-D-12-0333.1
Gelaro R. and Y. Zhu 2008. Examination of observation impacts derived from observing system experiments (OSEs) and adjoint models. Tellus, 61A, 179-193.
Halem, H. and R. Dlouhy, 1984: Observing system simulation experiments related to space-borne lidar wind profiling. Part 1: Forecast impacts of highly idealized observing systems. Preprints, Conference on Satellite Meteorology/ remote Sensing and Applications, Clearwater, Fla., Amer. Meteoro. Soc., 272-279.
Heilliette, S., Y. Rochon,
L. Garand, and J. W. Kaminski, 2013: Assimilation of infrared radiances in the
context of observing system simulated experiments. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 52, 1031–1045.
Hill, C, P. J. Fitzpatrick, and V. Anantharaj,
2008: A Rapid Prototyping Capability Experiment to Evaluate CrIS/ATMS
Observations for Urban Modeling Applications, Mississippi State Univ report.
Hoffman, R.N., C. Grassotti, R. G.
Isaacs, J.-F. Louis, and T. Nehrkorn, 1990: Asessment of the Impact of Simulated Satellite Lidar Wind
and Retrieved 183 GHz Water Vapor Observation of Global Data Assimilation
System, Mon. Wea. Rev., 118, 2513-2542.
Hoffman, R. N. and R. Atlas, 2015: Future Observing System
Simulation Experiments, Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc, Dec 2015, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-15-00200.1
Jones, Andrew S. 2008:What is Data Assimilation? A Tutorial, Presentation at AMS data assimilation forum. AMS annual meeting, New Orleans, LA, January 20-24,2008
Jung, T. , A.M. Tompkins and M.J. Rodwell 2005: Some aspects of systematic error in the ECMWF model. ECMWF Technical Memo No.471
Kalnay, E, Jusem, J C and J Pfaendtner, 1985. The relative importance of mass and wind data in the FGGE observing system. Proceedings of the NASA Symposium on Global Wind Measurements, Clumbia, MD, NASA, 1-5.
Kavaya, M. J., R. G. Frehlich, 2007: Lidar and Mission Parameter Trade Study of Space-Based Coherent Wind Measurement Centered on NASA’s 2006 GWOS Wind Mission Study Parameters, Proceeding for 14th Coherent Laser Radar Conference, July 8-13, 2007, Snowmass, Colorado.
Kleist, Daryl T., David F. Parrish, John C. Derber, Russ Treadon, Wan-Shu Wu, Stephen Lord, 2009: Introduction of the GSI into the NCEP Global Data Assimilation System. Wea. Forecasting, 24, 1691–1705.
Kleist, D. T., and K. Ide, 2015a: An OSSE-based evaluation of hybrid variational-ensemble data assimilation for the NCEP GFS. Part I: System description and 3D-Hybrid results. Mon. Wea. Rev., 143 (2), 433–451, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-13-00351.1.
Kleist, D. T., and K. Ide, 2015b: An OSSE-based evaluation of hybrid variational-ensemble data assimilation for the NCEP GFS. Part II: 4DEnVar and hybrid variants. Mon. Wea. Rev., 143 (2), 452–470, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-13-00350.1.
Korb C., B. Gentry, and C. Y. Weng 1992: The Edge Technique - Theory and application to the Lidar Measurement of Atmospheric Winds. Applied Optics, 31, pp 4202-4212.
Lahoz, W., R. Brugge, D. R. Jackson, S. Migliorini, R. Swinbank, D. Lary, and A. Lee, 2005: An observing system simulation experiment to evaluate the scientific merit of wind and ozone measurements from the future SWIFT instrument, Quarterly Journal, Royal Meteorological Society, 131, 503-523.
Lahoz, William, Khattatov, Boris, Menard, Richard (Eds.) 2010: Data Assimilation, Making Sense of Observation.. Springer, 732 p., Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-540-74702-4
Liu, J., and E. Kalnay (2007), Simple Doppler Wind Lidar adaptive observation experiments with 3D-Var and an ensemble Kalman filter in a global primitive equations model, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L19808, doi:10.1029/2007GL030707.
Lorenc,A.C., Graham,R.J., Dharssi,I., MacPherson,B., Ingleby,N.B., Lunnon,R.W.,1992, Preparation for the use of a Doppler wind lidar information in meteorological assimilation systems, ESA-CR(P)-3454 http://www.emc.ncep.noaa.gov/research/osse/NR/references/Lorenc.1992.TIDCCR4129.pdf
Lorenc, A.C., 1986: Analysis methods for numerical weather prediction. Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorological Society, 112, 1177-1194.
Lorenc, A.C. and O. Hammon, 1988: Objective quality control of observations using Bayesian methods: Theory, and a practical implementation. Quarterly Journal, Royal Meteorological Society, 114, 515--543.
Lord, S.J., E.
Kalnay, R. Daley, G.D. Emmitt, R. Atlas, 1997: Using OSSEs in the
design of future generation integrated observing systems. Preprints, 1st Symposium on Integrated Observing Systems, Long Beach,
CA, AMS, 45-47.
Lord, S.J., M. Masutani, J. S. Woollen, J. C. Derber, R. Atlas, J. Terry, G. D. Emmitt, S. A. Wood, S. Greco, T. J. Kleespies, 2001a: Observing System Simulation Experiments for NPOESS, AMS Preprint volume the Fifth Symposium on Integrated Observing Systems. 14-19 January 2001, Albuquerque, NM 168-173.
Ma, Z., Riishojgaard, L.P., M.
Masutani, J. S.Woollen, and
G. D. Emmitt, 2013: Impact of Different Satellite Wind Lidar Telescope
Configurations on NCEP GFS Forecast Skill in Observing System Simulation
Experiments, NCEP Office Note 475. available online at: Masutani, M, J.
S. Woollen,S.J. Lord, T. J. Kleespies, G. D.
Emmitt, H. Sun, S. A. Wood, S. Greco, J. Terry, R. Treadon, K. A. Campana 2006:
Observing System Simulation Experiments at NCEP, NCEP Office note No.451. http://www.emc.ncep.noaa.gov/research/osse/NR/references/Masutani.2006.on451.pdf
Ma, Z.,L.-P.- Riishojgaard, M. Masutani, J. S. Woollen, G. D. Emmitt, 2015: Impact of Different Satellite Wind Lidar Telescope Configurations on NCEP 1 GFS Forecast Skill in Observing System Simulation Experiments, . J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 32, 478–495.
Masutani, M, J. S. Woollen,S.J. Lord, T. J. Kleespies, G. D. Emmitt, H. Sun, S. A. Wood, S. Greco, J. Terry, R. Treadon, K. A. Campana 2006: Observing System Simulation Experiments at NCEP, NCEP Office note No.451. http://www.emc.ncep.noaa.gov/research/osse/NR/references/Masutani.2006.on451.pdf
Masutani, M. K. Campana, S. Lord, and S.-K. Yang 1999: Note on Cloud Cover of the ECMWF nature run used for OSSE/NPOESS project. NCEP Office Note No.427
Masutani, Michiko, Erik Andersson, Joe Terry, Oreste Reale, Juan Carlos Jusem, Lars Peter Riishojgaard, Tom Schlatter, Ad Stoffelen, Jack Woollen, Steve Lord, Zoltan Toth, Yucheng Song, Daryl Kleist, Yuanfu Xie, Nikki Priv5, Emily Liu, Haibing Sun, Dave Emmit6, Steve Greco, Sid A. Wood, Gert-Jan Marseille, Ron Errico, Runhua Yang, Gail McConaughy, Dezso Devenyi, Steve Weygandt, Adrian Tompkins, Thomas Jung, Valentine Anantharaj, Chris Hill, Pat Fitzpatrick, Fuzhong Weng, Tong Zhu, Sid Boukabara 2007: Progress in Joint OSSEs, A new nature run and international collaboration, AMS preprint volume for 18th conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, Parkcity, UT Amer. Meteor. Soc. 12B.5,.
Masutani, M., T. W. Schlatter, R. M. Errico, A. Stoffelen, E. Andersson, W. Lahoz, J. S.. Woollen, G. D.Emmitt,L.-P. Riishøjgaard, S. J. Lord, 2010a: Observing System Simulation Experiments. Data Assimilation: Making sense of observations, Lahoz, W., B. Khattatov, R. Menard, Eds., Springer, 647-679. Close to final draft is available at
Masutani, M, John S. Woollen, Stephen J. Lord, G. David Emmitt, Thomas J. Kleespies, Sidney A. Wood, Steven Greco, Haibing Sun, Joseph Terry, Vaishali Kapoor, Russ Treadon, Kenneth A. Campana (2010), Observing system simulation experiments at the National Centers for Environmental Prediction, J. Geophys. Res., 115, D07101, doi:10.1029/2009JD012528. http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2010/2009JD012528.shtml
Masutani, M. and co authrs 2011: Simulation of observation and calibrations for Joint OSSEs, Extended abstract, 15th Symposium on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS), Seattle, WA, Amer. Meteor. Soc. P199.
[Available online at http://ams.confex.com/ams/91Annual/webprogram/Manuscript/Paper178667/Extended_Abstract_15IOS-AOLS-P199.pdf ]
Masutani, M., L. Garand, W. Lahoz, L.-P. Riishojgaard, E. Andersson, Y. Rochon, M. Tsyrulnikov, J. McConnell, L. Cucurull, Y. Xie, S.
Ishii, R. Grumbine, G. Brunet, J. S. Woollen, and Y. Sato, 2013: Observing System Simulation
Experiments: Justifying new Arctic Observation Capabilities, White paper on
OSSE Optimized Modelling, National Centers for Environmental Prediction Office
Notes, 473.
Masutani,M. 2016: Recent results and proposed
observing system simulation experiments (OSSE) to link research and operation.
Proc. SPIE 9882, Remote Sensing and Modeling of the Atmosphere, Oceans, and
Interactions VI, 98820A (May 3, 2016); doi:10.1117/12.2223930
Marseille, G.J., and A. Stoffelen 2003: “Simulation of wind profiles from a space-borne Doppler wind lidar, Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. 129, pp. 3079-3098.
Marseille, G.J., Stoffelen, A., Barkmeijer, J., 2006: Prediction Improvement of Extreme Weather (PIEW) ESA contract report.
Marseille, G.J., Stoffelen, A., Barkmeijer J. , 2008a, Sensitivity Observing System Experiment (SOSE) - A New Effective NWP-based Tool in Designing the Global Observing System, Tellus, 60A, 216–233.
Marseille, G.J., Stoffelen, A., Barkmeijer J. , 2008b, Impact Assessment of Prospective Space-Borne Doppler Wind Lidar Observation Scenarios, Tellus, 60A, 234-248.
Marseille, G.J., Stoffelen, A., Barkmeijer J. , 2008c, A Cycled Sensitivity Observing System Experiment on Simulated Doppler Wind Lidar Data during the 1999 Christmas Storm "Martin" , Tellus, 60A, 249-260.
McCarty W, Errico RM, Gelaro R. 2012. Cloud coverage in the joint OSSE nature run. Mon. Weather Rev. 140: 1863–1871.
Nolan, D. S., R. Atlas, K. T. Bhetia, and L. R. Bucci, 2013: Development and validation of a hurricane nature run using the joint OSSE nature run and the WRF model, J. Adv. Modeling Earth Systems, 5, 382-404.
Parrish, D. F., and J. C. Derber, 1992: The National Meteorological Center’s Spectral Statistical-Interpolation Analysis System, Mon. Weather Rev., 120, 1747-1763.
Petersen, Daniel P.,1968:On the Concept and Implementation of Sequential Analysis for Linear Random Fields, Tellus, 20, 673-686
Prive, N., Y. Xie, T. W. Schlatter, M. Masutani, R. Atlas, Y. Song, J. Woollen, and S. Koch 2009: Observing System Simulation
Experiments for Unmanned Aircraft Systems: preliminary efforts, Extended
Abstract, 13th Conference on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems
for Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS), Amer. Meteor. Soc, 13.3. [Available on line athttp://ams.confex.com/ams/pdfpapers/145313.pdf]
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Experiment system, Tellus A 65, 19011, http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/tellusa.v65i0.19011
Prive N. C. and R. M. Errico, 2013:The role of model and initial condition error in
numerical weather forecasting investigated with an observing system simulation
. Tellus A, 65,
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Prive, N. C., R.M. Errico and K.-S.
Tai. 2013:
The influence of observation errors on
analysis error and forecast skill investigated with an observing system
simulation experiment, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 118,
5332–5346, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50452.
Prive N. C. , R. M. Errico, and G. Wei, 2014: Use of an OSSE to evaluate
background-error covariances estimated by the NMC
method, Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc.
Pu, Z., L. Zhang, and G. D. Emmitt, 2010: Impact of airborne Doppler Wind Lidar data on numerical simulation of a tropical cyclone , Geophy. Res. Lett., 37, L05801,doi:10.1029/2009GL041765.
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Riishojgaard, L. P., R. Atlas, and G. D. Emmitt, 2004: The impact of Doppler lidar wind observations on a single-level meteorological analysis. J. Appl. Meteor., 43, 810–820.
Riishojgaard, L.P.,
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Zhang, L. and Z. Pu, 2010: An Observing System Simulation Experiment (OSSE) to assess the impact of Doppler wind lidar (DWL) measurements on the numerical simulation of a tropical cyclone, Advances in Meteorology, Vol. 2010, Article ID 743863, 14pp, doi:10.1155/2010/743863
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