Joint OSSE Nature run at NASA Portal  update in May2008

(August, 2016)


Now the T511 Nature run model resolution data are available from NASA portal as gradsdod.  

You can view and down load data.  The data can be down loaded  in grib1, NetCDF, or binary.  It can be down loaded as selected region.

In order to access the data you have to provide IP number to  Arlindo da Silva of GMAO


The same data set and more data are available fro



Login ID and password will be available from Ellen Salmon  of NCCS

ftp access to the site is considered.  Further reorganization of files is progress.

Please note following usage and credit for the data set.

[Usage and credit]


This data must not be used for commercial purposes and re-distribution rights are not given. ECMWF and Joint OSSEs  must be given credit in any publications in which this data is used.  Michiko Masutani will track users and informed to ECMWF and Joint OSSE.


If you are interested in using the data set it is necessary to send E-mail  with the statement below, and your name and affiliation to Michiko Masutani  (  Your name will be added to the user list and sent to ECMWF.

"I agree not to copy the ECMWF data or software provided through Joint OSSE the use of other persons. I agree not to use these data and/or software for commercial purposes. ECMWF will be given credit in any publications in which these data and/or software are used. I understand that if other persons in my organization wish to use these data and/or software, they must also sign a copy of this agreement. "


The reference for the Nature run is:

Andersson, Erik and Michiko Masutani 2010:  Collaboration on Observing System Simulation Experiments (Joint OSSE), ECMWF News Letter No. 123, Spring 2010, 14-16.




[Announcement from Arlindo da Silva 080430]

Reorganized ECMWF T511 Nature Run files on /portal

We have now transferred all the reorganized model level, T511, ECMWF Nature Run files to the data portal at GSFC/NCCS.

The raw data

 On dirac and thing[1-4] these files can be found at:


There 2 main sub-directories:

  prog/ - 2D and 3D prognostic quantities
  diag/ - 2D diagnostics

These are essentially the same files we got from ECMWF except that I have renamed them and placed a single synoptic time per file. No interpolation of any kind has been performed. Only people on the "osse" group at NCCS have access to this directory. The original files as obtained from ECMWF are kept in mass storage.

GrADS control files

In the same directory you can find 3 GrADS control files:


You can open these files directly with GrADS. It uses GrADS' PDEF feture to linearly interpolate the data from the original thinned Gaussian grid to a regular Gaussian grid, on the fly. The files are templated as to appear as a single timeseries. For a variable list check these:

OPeNDAP Access

I have pointed the OPeNDAP server to the GrADS "ctl" files above. Because of the licensing restrictions, currently only the IP numbers below have access to these datasets (although anybody can look at the dataset directory). If you would like to grant access to other personal (read: not public) workstations/laptops please send me the IP numbers and I'dd add them after Oreste/Ron approaval. The URL for the datasets are:

I am including a convenience GrADS script ( for accessing these datasets from any of the "allowed" IP numbers. Start gradsdods and type

% gradsdods
ga-> open_osse
ga-> prog.eta
ga-> d u



Appendix A   The script to open files.




function open_osse(dset)



      say ''

      say 'NAME'

      say '         open_osse -  Opens ECMWF T511 Nature Run Datasets'

      say 'USAGE'

      say '         open_osse prog.eta | prog.sfc | diag.sfc '

      say 'EXAMPLES'

      say '         open_osse prog.eta'

      say '         open_osse prog.sfc'

      say '         open_osse diag.sfc'

      say 'IMPORTANT'

      say '         These are restricted datasets; the IP number'

      say '         of your workstation must be reggistered with'

      say '         the OPeNDAP server for you to be able to '

      say '         access this data.'

      say 'CONTACT'

      say ''

      say ''

      return 1



*  Get URL

*  -------

   if ( dset='prog.eta' )

      url = ''

   else; if ( dset='prog.sfc' )

      url = ''

   else; if ( dset='diag.sfc' )

      url = ''


      say 'open_osse: unknown dataset ' dset

      say 'open_osse: expecting "prog.eta", "prog.sfc" or "prog.eta"'

      return 1

   endif; endif; endif


* Make sure we've got DODS

* ------------------------

  'q config'

  config = sublin(result,1)

  i = 1

  while ( i>0 )

    word = subwrd(config,i)

    if ( word='' ); i=-1; endif

    if ( word='dods' | word='dap' ); dods='yes'; endif

    i = i + 1



*  Open the file

*  -------------

   if ( dods='yes' )

        'sdfopen ' url

      say result


        say ' '

        say 'open_osse: this version of GrADS cannot open OPeNDAP datasets'

        say 'open_osse: try "gradsdods" or "gradsdap" instead'

        say ' '

      return 1



return rc



Appendix B   OPeNDAP  and Joint OSSE Nature Run  Access Control

Because of the licensing restrictions, currently only the IP numbers

below have access to these datasets (although anybody can look at the

dataset directory). If you would like to grant access to other personal

(read: not public) workstations/laptops please send  the IP numbers  to